Tumari and Tokamachi specialities Tokamachi Promotion Movie

There are three part of Uonuma area, this place is famous for best brand rice of Japan, Uonuma Koshihikari.

North area, south area, and here is the center area Tokamachi city. Tokamachi is closely related with Shinano river, that is the longest river of Japan. This river made the ground rich and this rich ground grows   a lot kinds of fresh plants.

And the other important thing of growing fresh plants is heavy snow. Tokamachi is famous for heavy snow and appearing in a school textbook as the area of heavy snowfall. This heavy snow will be 3~4 meters high maximum and protects the ground, provides pure water. This Uonuma Koshihikari made in Tokamachi area is recognized as the highest rated rice of Uonuma Koshihikari. All we Tokamachi ryokan guild is serving Uonuma koshihikari for breakfast. Also, you can enjoy local cuisine like seasonal wild vegetables, local vegetables, and homemade pickles etc. We would love you to choose our Tokamachi ryokan guild when you visit here Tokamachi!

Seasonal UNMEMON (tasty food) ~Tokamachi specialities~
Uonuma Koshihikari

Uonuma Koshihikari is famous for the highest quality rice of Japan. Tokamachi is the production of Uonuma Koshihikari. Shinano river made the ground rich and the weather is good fit for growing Uonuma Koshihikari. These things makes its taste more delicious.


This Asparagus sucked up the snow-water and grew. It sprouts up in spring and the shipment is started from early summer. It is picked mainly in spring but continue till September. Spring Asparagus picked up in June is really soft and doesn’t need to peel.

Karubida Tomato

It’s a middle size of tomato made by Karubida productive cooperation.

The special thing is this color, brilliant red.

Ukishita Ninjin (the carrot grown up under snow)


Maru Nasu (round eggplant)

They are usually grown as small eggplant. But in Tokamachi, they are grown bigger than usual one.

Tokamachi Ryokan Kumiai

Tokamachi Ryokan Kumiai

1 Honcho, Tokamachi, Niigata,Japan  948-0082

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